How To Make A Luxurious Pom-Pom Rug

Pom-Pom rugs are incredibly easy to make and once you have made one pom-pom rug you will want to make many  more.



Pretty grey, white, off-white and yellow pom-poms for a fluffy-soft flower pattern on the floor


I am sure that most of us have made pom-poms at one time or another in our lives, especially if you have children. Pom-poms are just a lot of fun and they are so easy to make. You can use them to make a pom-pom garland for a bedroom wall, to drape over a bed frame or wrap around a curtain rail. But one project you will love that is made using pom-poms is to make a pom-pom rug.







The trick to making a luxurious pom-pom rug is to use a fairly thick ply of wool - the thicker the ply the more fluffy and soft your pom-pom rug will be. And if you are making a pom-pom rug for a bathroom, for a children's bedroom, to place at the sides of your bed, or just for the fun of it, the softer and more luxurious the rug - the better.

The pom-pom rug shown here was designed and crafted by and you will find plenty more interesting projects on the website, so feel free to pop on over.


Use different yarns to give more texture to your pom-pom rugs. In this project, yellow cotton yarn was used for the flower centres.



The thicker the yarn ply - the more luxuriously soft your pom-pom rug will be.



4 Skeins each of 4 colour choices (we used white, grey, off-white and yellow)

Mesh or rubber pad for base of rug size about 1 metre x 1.5 metre

Large needle

Thin cotton or yarn to secure pom-poms to base pad


Only use yarns that are colourfast and 100% washable.




1. The first step in making your pom-pom rug is to make the pom-poms. You can use a piece of cardboard to make pom-poms, recycled toilet roll tubes to make pom-poms, and there is even a method for using the back of a chair to make pom-poms. Keep in mind that the thicker the ply of the wool, the more fluffy your rug will be. But you don't want it too thick -  a chunky XL (used for the grey pom-poms) is about the thickest ply you should look at.

GOOD TO KNOW: In total for this project, you will need around 130 pom-poms and each skein of yarn should make 8 to 9 pom-poms.








2. When making your pom-poms, tie off with a long piece of the yarn that you will use to fasten the pom-poms onto the net backing. Before securing the pom-poms onto the backing, lay them out as you want them to look, in this case, it is basic flower shapes. Doing this makes it easier to know which pom-pom goes where.



3. Use the long yarn tails used to tie off the pom-poms to secure them to the backing. Thread the yarn through the mesh and tie off with a knot.



4. To finish off the pom-pom rug, cut off any long threads at the back of the mesh and trim the mesh around the outside of the pom-poms until it is no longer visible.


Hand wash gently in warm water. Place on a clean towel and dry flat.




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