4 Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Stressful Times

With a good dollop of self-love and self-compassion, there are several things you can do to keep you on a level during a tense period in your life.





Life is filled with highs and lows. The highs are associated with feelings of happiness and excitement. However, the lows, not so much. They can cause turmoil, discomfort, and feelings of stress.

It may be tempting to hide away, eat poorly, stop exercising, and disconnect from family/friends when these feelings hit. However, the best way to handle these times is to take care of yourself. It requires effort, but it's the only way to get through these times.

With a good dollop of self-love and self-compassion, there are several things you can do to keep you on a level during a tense period in your life. Let's explore some simple ways to do so.


1. Stay Active

It sounds cliché, but getting active releases those feel good, happy hormones. Think about the last time you exercised and how great your body felt afterwards. Not only is this great for your physical wellbeing, but also your mental state. Exercise is a healthy way to work through these emotions if you're stressed about something.

You may be going through problems at work or health issues. Perhaps it's a family conflict such as divorce. Dealing with a separation law matter is never easy. While some gentle yoga stretches won't solve all your problems, it will make it easier to get through this difficult time.


2. Look After Your Mental Health

Managing your mental health is crucial to getting through a traumatic time. Doing meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and other forms of relaxation can help calm your busy mind. This helps you distance yourself from the panic mindset your in and into a mental space where you can see solutions.

Dedicate time to the things you love, whether that's crafting, cooking, or watching a movie. Perhaps you have a furry friend that needs to go for a walk, or you haven't seen a friend in a while. Anything that brings you joy is game. The objective is to help your mind rest from the stressful event you're going through.


3. Stay Connected

While solitude gives you the opportunity to process trauma, it isn't healthy to totally cut yourself off from everyone in your life. It's essential to keep in phone contact with your nearest and dearest, and go for the odd outing. The people in your life love you, care about you, and want what's best for you.

It can feel like a Herculean task to go on a coffee date or some other activity, but it's important to make the effort. Once you're out, you'll see different things, talk about other things, and have a break from whatever is worrying you.

If socializing is challenging for you during tough times, don't push yourself too hard. It's okay to pull back a little if you need space, but be sure not to isolate yourself as this can make your problems seem larger than they are.


4. Talk to a Therapist

It's important to talk to a mental health professional if you are not managing on your own. While there is a stigma around seeing any kind of therapist, that is just societal nonsense. Talking to someone who can help you is much more valuable than worrying about what others think.

A therapist's training and objective view of your situation can help you to see it differently, and by doing so you may find productive ways to navigate the problem.


Put Yourself First

Remember that whatever is worrying you will pass. It may take a while, but it will end. This will not be what your life is like forever. So, keep breathing, moving, staying connected, and looking forward to better times.