The Best Ways to Plant Trees and Preserve the Environment

In this article, we look into the best ways to plant trees so that you can grow your own ecosystem right in the backyard.



Tree plantation, if anything, is the best way to preserve the environment and live a wholesome life that is in harmony with the rhythm of our ecosystem. Human beings do not seem to understand the importance of planting trees, and instead, leave no stone unturned to engage in rampant deforestation in a bid to grow more factories. And while building factories and industries are extremely important in deciding the fate of a country’s economy, we cannot ignore the fact that rapid globalization and industrialization has left very little room for our planet to breathe. And this is now taking a toll on the ecosystem and the climate, and pushing us all to the edge of oblivion. So, coming back to the point at hand, we have embarked on a task to jog your memory from school days when we were taught how important it is to plant trees. In this article, we shall now look into the best ways to plant trees so that you can grow your own ecosystem right in the backyard, contribute to the cause of the environment and protect the fate of the planet.


Planting Trees in Our Gardens:

The simplest way to indulge in the process of tree plantation is by planting trees in your own garden. There are always ways to grow your garden, and all you have to do is research. Growing more trees in your garden is not like planting more trees in your neighbourhood, and vacant lots. You might not require permission from the concerned authorities to plant trees in your garden, but you very well have to think about the overall structure of your house, the foundation and the reach of the roots of the tree you are planning to grow. Experts say that growing coconut trees or oak trees very near to your living space might lead to cracks on the flooring of your house. Therefore, you might want to stay away from that idea. Instead, do some more digging and learn about all the other plants that you can easily grow in the backyard, watch them flourish and look at them give rise to your very own forest.


What If You Do Not Have Gardens?

Now, it is time to shine a little bit time on another problem that we might be facing in our oath of planting more trees. Not all of us have the luxury of empty backyards and gardens. So what do we do then? Can we just plant trees anywhere then? Is that even legal and do we need to seek permission from authorities? Yes, these are the questions that might haunt us while we attempt to take up the task.

To begin with, yes, you will need permission from your local authorities if you want to plant trees elsewhere that is not your own space. The roads, inroads, vacant lots belong to everyone. They are not owned by any one particular person or body. But, the condition of these spaces is looked after by the authorities. So, yes, it is important that you ask for permission from the authorities regarding planting trees in these areas. They will help you figure out a way and a get you a perfect spot where you can go about with the project without causing impediments to the lives of other people.


Plant More Trees in the Countryside as Well as the City:

It is essential that we plant trees not just in one area, but different parts of the city and the countryside. Planting trees in the countryside has effects on the environment quite different than from doing the same in the city. For instance, when you plant trees in the countryside, you help in preventing soil erosion, solve the problem of water infiltration and the like. But, when you plant more trees in the city, you help in reducing the toxicity in the air, bring down the greenhouse effect, reduce the pollution levels and help people breather more fresh air. Planting more trees in the city as well the countryside has common impacts on our environment too. We contribute generously to the cause of preserving the biodiversity of the planet. Many species of animals and birds find their homes nestled in the trees, and human beings too depend on the resources of the trees on many different levels. Trees also provide shade and cool the planet down while also acting as a natural air-conditioner. And this is a common impact on both the city as well as its rural counterparts. The task of planting trees in Georgia is taken up very seriously, and people who are involved in the task plant trees not only in the city, but also in the countryside.



Planting Trees and Schools and Hospital Grounds is a Wonderful Idea:

It is so very important to inculcate the values of responsibility towards our planet in the young ones, so that they grow up to shoulder the same themselves. Planting trees in schools can be a great idea as it has more than just one impact on our environment. It helps in upgrading the quality of the air in and around the school, and also teaches students to be gentle towards Earth and plant more trees. On a similar note, planting more trees in hospital grounds is also a wonderful idea. It helps in elevating the mood of the patients in the hospital, motivates the medical health professionals, because a little greenery around alleviates the senses. It freshens and lightens the mood of those who only ever smell the medicines and sickness around. Planting more trees on hospital grounds and nursing homes can be held synonymous to the idea of planting a new life. And this is a great way to reinforce hope in the minds of those who have lost them.


Build a Community of People to Build Trees Together:

Planting more trees could be a fun thing to do if you have friends and people sharing the common thought to do it with. Sometimes, things might get a bit too taxing on you, and you might lose sense of the larger picture. The community you build can help you remember your goal and uplift your drooping spirits. Building a community will not happen in a day or two. It happens over a long span, and you must be patient and invested enough. Planting trees in your community is not a full-time job, but it is also requires your singular and focused attention. Therefore, you must have the right people around you who can provide a boost to your spirits and help you take forward this noble, and the sometimes daunting task of preserving the health of the environment. The members of your community can come up with several ideas concerning planting more trees that you can all implement together. Another great way to plant trees and build your community is by getting more children into the act. Children learn fast and have an innocence that can take the project forwards.



Choose the Species of Trees Carefully:

Now, this is the part where you need to be a bit careful about the kind of trees you are choosing to plant. It is not just about using empty spaces optimally. It is also about giving back to the community in the best ways possible. Therefore, do some research about the trees that can grow in the wild and without causing trouble to the daily lives of people. Choose the species in a way that they have some role to play in creating a suitable habitat for the people around you. It is not too difficult to do so. All you need is a bit of conviction in what you believe and the determination to go through with it.



Things might start looking hopeless after a while, and more often than not, you might not understand how to carry forward the project. But, it is vital that you stick through it all, and plant as many trees as possible. This is one of the best ways to give back to the planet and preserve biodiversity.



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