Bookcases create a feature

We all need storage in a home and some need it more than others, especially if they enjoy reading or collecting. Bookcases can be used for more than storage. Today's modern bookcases are designed to be an integral part of any room, and can even become a feature of the room.


Designed by Mobileffe, the bookcases featured in this article are a good example of how you can create a feature in a room as opposed to using bookcases purely a piece of storage furniture.

Arranging your bookcases
The trick to successfully organising a bookcase, or large expanse of shelves, is to remove everything from the shelves and start from scratch. If you try to re-arrange what is already there you will spend far more time changing things around until you are satisfied with the result. Once emptied, decide on the look you want to create, which will obviously complement the existing decor of the room - or your home.

Be more modern in your approach. Bookcases are not only for books. You can also display collections or small framed photographs and artwork, a few select accessories, and even pieces that mirror the style of the room.

Proportion matters
Position the larger items first, whether this is books, collectibles or accessories. You want to create a balanced display that allows for large and small items and starting with the larger items will allow you to play around with the positioning for a display that looks symmetrical without being too ordered.



Line up books, stacking vertically and horizontally to add visual interest. If book spines are torn, think about covering the books with brown or white wrapping paper, depending on your room colour scheme.

Coordinate colours and materials
Take a step back from time to time to look at your display from various points in the room. You don't want one particular item to stand out but rather the entire collection to be viewed with a smooth flow from one side to the other.

Grouping is great, but keep a balance on materials and colours. If the bookcase looks unbalanced - perhaps too many books on one shelf - take out some of the books. It is better to leave approximately 30% of each shelf empty.
