Guaranteed safe parking every time

Tork Craft’s handy Ultrasonic garage parking sensor


The Tork Craft Ultrasonic parking sensor will insure your car is safely parked perfectly every time you park -  at home or office parking - without bumping the wall or the many obstacles in your garage. One can do away with the many other markers that are normally used and replace them with this unit, perfect when pulling into a dark garage at night or if you are not concentrating this will give you the perfect park every time.

The unique Tork Craft modern day parking sensor unit takes parking to a new level and allows you to set a stopping distance of between 150mm and 1 200mm from a fixed item like the garage wall. It works like a dream. Drive into the garage or parking unit and from 2,2m away the sensor’s light will turn green. As you move closer to about 370mm from the pre-set distance, the light on the front wall will turn yellow followed by red, alerting the driver to stop.

All 3 lights are super bright and light up the complete back wall of the garage. It is a foolproof unit that can be fitted by any homeowner. “Ideally one should fit these at home and the office,” said Ryan Hunt Sales Director Vermont Sales/Tork Craft, I have one for both my and my wife’s car and if my kids were driving they would also have them, it certainly saves a lot of bumps and scrapes,” said Hunt.

Tork Craft is a leading brand of accessories at Vermont Sales their products are available at all leading specialist stores countrywide, for more information talk to your retail outlet or contact, Vermont Sales on 011 314 7711 for nearest outlet or visit their web site  for more info. - Trade enquiries welcome



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