Paint kitchen cabinet doors

Painting kitchen cabinets is one of the easiest ways to update your kitchen and give it a fresh look.


1. Decide on paint
One of the most dramatic things you can do to revitalise your kitchen is to change the look of your kitchen cabinets. There are lots of ways to do this, but one of the easiest is by painting them.

Most older painted kitchen cabinets are coated with enamel because of its durability and washability. But today's water based and spray paints are just as hard-wearing.

Dark wood-stained cabinets can make a kitchen feel small and oppressive. A fresh coat of warm cream-coloured paint brightens up the entire kitchen and makes the space feel much larger and more inviting.

2. Remove cabinet doors
Remove the cabinet doors and any knobs and hinges. Once the hardware is off, lay the doors horizontally on your work surface.

3. Wipe cabinets with mineral turpentine
Put on rubber gloves, and wipe turps on all the cabinet surfaces with a lint-free cloth and wipe with fine Woodoc steel wool. Mineral turps cleans the surface completely by eliminating all oily residue and waxy build-up.

4. Sand any rough spots
Mineral turps and steel wool can raise the grain of the wood. Sand rough spots smooth with a 220-grit sandpaper. Use coarser sandpaper if the cabinets are very rough, and wipe a tack cloth over all surfaces to remove the dust.

DIY Tip:
If you've decided to change the cabinet hardware, and the fittings for the new hardware don't match the old, fill the holes with wood filler, let dry, and sand smooth with 240-grit sandpaper. Remember to wipe clean after sanding.

5. Apply a primer
Use a long-bristle or China-bristle brush to apply oil-based or wood primer (depending on the paint used). Let dry. China-bristle brushes are recommended because their soft, natural bristles permit the paint to flow more freely and leave fewer brush marks.

6. Sand the surface
Sand the surface with 400-grit sandpaper to remove any imperfections, and wipe with a clean cloth.

7. Apply the paint
Apply the first coat of paint, using long, smooth strokes. Don't dunk the whole brush in the can of paint: use the top third or so of the brush, and wipe off any excess so it doesn't drip. Be sure to paint with the grain of the wood.

After the first coat of paint has dried for 24 hours, sand the surface lightly with 400-grit sandpaper, and wipe clean. Apply the second coat of paint.

Let the second coat of paint dry for 24 hours before replacing the hardware

via diy network