Lockdown Set to Bring About Increase in Home Improvements

The lockdown, and drop in interest rate, has homeowners considering home improvements that are needed to their homes.


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After spending so much time locked down in their homes as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown, many homeowners are considering options to improve their homes after realising things that needed to be done or needing more space. This trend is going to be in a more positive light as the interest rates drop yet again, making bond repayments more affordable.


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Life in lockdown, as it has come to be known for most South Africans, means spending time at home with a full house and nowhere to go. Not only that, for many families, it has been about making the most of a difficult situation and has given many homeowners pause for thought as to how they could better improve their living arrangements and home lifestyle.


Living the Outdoor Life

Spending time outdoors in the garden is one aspect of home improvement that South Africans already spend a fair amount of money on, whether it's a spot outdoors in the garden for relaxation, or a full-on entertainment area. With our beautiful climate, we love to enjoy our gardens and spending money on this adds to the overall value of a home.


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Expanding or Renovating the Heart of the Home

Kitchens are always at the top of the list when it comes to home improvements so it's no wonder kitchen renovations and improvements will be on the list of home improvements. Whether it is to enlarge an existing kitchen to make it more family orientated or ripping out and replacing an old kitchen, this is one area where you reap a high return on any investments you make.







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Enlarging the Family Bathroom

As with kitchens, bathroom renovations are always at the top of the 'to do' list when it comes to a facelift and renovation. With the entire family at home during the lockdown, homeowners quickly discovered the advantages of a larger space or more efficient bathroom design. For this reason, this year will see more bathroom improvements being done.


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Luxury Spaces taking the Spotlight

Other areas that will see an increase in home improvements are a home gym that allows for a full-on gym experience or space or Pilates or yoga without leaving the home, a man cave with a kitted-out bar for entertaining a home rather than going out for drinks, and a playroom or games room that the whole family can use.

While these may not be value-added improvements, they are improvements that add to personal lifestyle and enjoyment of your home if you plan on staying for a long time.



Working from Home now Essential

Employees working from home over the lockdown might just become a trend in the future. Not only are employees now seeing that this type of arrangement can be done, but it is also good for the mental health of employees and a wide scope of benefits for employees. On a bigger scale, having more people at home will also reduce traffic on the roads.



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