Do's and Don'ts of Termite Control

In this article, we reveal some do's and don’ts of termite control so that you cause more problems!





Being faced with a termite infestation can be devastating to any homeowner. Termites are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and homeowners often find themselves frustrated after spending hundreds or even thousands of ringgit trying unsuccessfully to eradicate these pests.

This blog post will reveal some dos and don’t of termite control so that you cause more problems!


Do Call a Professional For Termite Infestation

The biggest mistake homeowners make when it comes to termites is thinking that they can handle the problem themselves.
You indeed have a better idea of what damage has been done and how your home looks, but there are just too many things involved in managing an infestation, such as knowing exactly where these insects are hiding so chemicals will be applied correctly without causing more harm than good.

It’s better to get help from a termite exterminator to get rid of the infestation since these specialists have all the knowledge and experience needed for this task, plus it relieves stress off your shoulders by letting someone else take care of everything.



Don't Forget to Seal Cracks and Crevices

Termites are tiny, so they can easily squeeze their way into your house if you've got cracks and crevices present. With this in mind, you should make it a habit to fill in these gaps every six months or so.

Start by inspecting your home's exterior. Look for any gaps or holes, especially those that are close to the foundation of your house.

Unfortunately, termites can even enter through tiny cracks in concrete floors, windows, doors, and walls inside your home too. Therefore it's also advisable to seal off these areas as well!


Do Remove Deadwood in Your Property

Deadwood such as rotting logs, branches, and twigs are great hiding places for termites. You should get rid of them as soon as you find them since they'll only stifle your efforts in getting rid of the pests if left alone.

Regardless of being dead, termites will still feed on these wood since the material contains cellulose, an important food source for them. Thus, if you remove the deadwood first, then it will be easier to manage your termite infestation since they'll starve!


Don't Use Pesticides on Your Own

Termites are resilient bugs that can quickly develop resistance against pesticides even after only a few applications of these chemicals. If not handled properly, this could cause more damage than good as the chemical residues left behind may pose severe threats to people's health and safety.

You should always seek professional advice from pest controllers or at least know what type of pesticide is best used against different types of insects before using any yourself. It is also advisable to opt for non-chemical methods too, such as traps, instead of applying toxic materials directly onto surfaces since this can cause adverse effects if handled by someone who's not an expert.


Do Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trimming trees and shrubs is among the first things you need to do in order to manage your termite infestation. Trees that touch your roof can act as a bridge that allows termites to enter your home.

Eliminating this access point is essential in getting rid of them, as well as protecting you from the potential risk of a tree crushing your house.

You may use a cutter and a ladder to reach the higher branches, but it is more advisable to get professional help from arborists if you are uncomfortable with this task.

On the other hand, shrubs that touch the sides of your house or are close to it should be removed as well, since they can serve the same purpose.


Don't Pour Boiling Water on Termites

One of the most common DIY tips that people recommend for getting rid of termites is using boiling water. This method may have worked in your grandmother's day, but these days things have changed dramatically, and pouring hot water over them won't work anymore!

Termites don't live inside actual woodpiles; they just take shelter there when exposed to extreme conditions such as bright sunlight or very cold weather.

The only way to kill a termite colony within walls and wooden structures are by injecting chemicals into their nests through drilled holes. So keep those kettles in your kitchen, and don't waste your energy on methods that don't entirely work.
The dos and don'ts of termite control are not to be taken lightly. It is important that you understand the steps needed to take care of this issue before it gets out of hand. We hope you've learned a lot from this blog post!




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