Don't Let Pets Destroy Your Lawn

If your furry friends like to dig up the lawn, now is the best time to fix this when the grass is dormant and it will be good as new just in time for summer.




Is your furry friend wreaking havoc on your lawn? 


Not all dogs are well trained enough not to dig up your lawn and some are just plain bored from being locked in the garden all the time, especially when you're at work. I once had a border collie, Sally, who was very active and used to dig holes to China when left in the garden on her own. Thankfully, our Daschie has no such inclinations. But if your lawn is looking dug up and full of holes, now is the best time to remedy this before the warmer months ahead.

Winter is the perfect time to fix up the lawn, whether it's bald spots that need re-seeding, bumps and dips that need to be fixed or holes dug by dogs. During winter the grass is dormant and doing any repairs now will let the grass take root when it starts to warm up and be ready for summer.





Repair Holes In Lawn Before Summer

Whether you are covering up bald spots, filling in divots and dips or filling holes that the dogs dig in your lawn, winter is the best time to do this.



Bag of topsoil

Garden spade

Strips of Instant Lawn









Kikuyu instant lawn roots easily and spreads quickly to fit up gaps and bald spots in a damaged lawn



Step 1

Fill the hole with topsoil to just below the height of the surrounding grass. You want to leave just enough space on the top to insert a piece of instant lawn.


Step 2

You will find instant lawn at many nurseries or garden centres or trucks with strips of instant lawn parked along the side of the road. When you take the strip home, be sure to check for any weeds that might be growing in the grass strip. You don't want these taking hold in your garden so remove them.


Step 3

Roll out the strip of instant lawn and place this on top of the soil to cover dips and holes.



Step 4

Use the spade to cut the grass strip to fit. Push down around the edge of the strip and then water well. Continue to water every 2-3 days to establish good root growth. During spring, be sure to fertilize your entire lawn to ensure lush green growth

When summer arrives, your lawn will once again be in tip-top condition.



images homehandyman magazine





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