Top Tips For Transforming Your Lawn

In this article, we have listed some steps that you can follow to establish the perfect lawn transformation.





Is your lawn beginning to look as if it could benefit from a transformation of some kind? If this is the case, you are likely now wondering how you can rejuvenate it. For many, their garden is a canvas that allows them to explore with their creativity and imagination.

Below, we have identified some steps that you can follow to establish the perfect lawn transformation. As a result, you will witness your lawn transform from one that has begun to look sad and dreary to one that is much healthier and greener.

First, you must determine the type of transformation that is required. Is it a case that your lawn needs a complete revamp or do you simply need to make some slight but impactful changes. By assessing the severity of damage to your lawn you can decide how you must tackle the transformation. Would you consider your lawn to be ‘’ok’’ in the sense that it isn’t severely damaged, but it also isn’t as lush and healthy as you were expecting it to be with a thickness and color that is difficult to maintain? Or would you consider your lawn to be severely damaged due to pests or disease with lots of weeds and patchiness and even dried out, brown patches caused by extreme heat?

The type of lawn will determine how long the transformation will take. If you have an ok lawn, it will likely be a case of getting rid of the weeds and paying closer attention to its maintenance requirements. If you have a severely damaged lawn, there may be multiple problems that you have to tackle before you witness any changes and because of this, the transformation can take significantly longer.


Remove any dead leaves or debris that have gathered

Over time, lawns that have not been frequently tended to are likely to have collected dead leaves and debris and before you can begin the transformation, you will need to remove these from the surface. This can easily be done using a rake to gather this debris in one pile. Once you have done so, you can then progress to the next step in the process.


Mow your lawn

The best time to mow your lawn is when the warmer weather begins. The size of your lawn is likely to influence the type of lawnmower that you use. If your lawn covers an expanse area commercial zero-turn mowers are the best option as they save you the tiresome task of having to push a lawnmower up and down your garden many times and also allow for sooner completion. For smaller lawns, a standard model is likely to suffice. Begin by mowing your lawn in one direction and then repeat the process of mowing the lawn in the opposite direction. Doing this will allow you to go over any areas that you may have missed.


Improve the aeration of the grass and the soil

A lawn that is subject to a lot of foot traffic will become very compacted and as a result, growth becomes difficult. Not only will aerating the lawn improve the growing conditions, but it will improve the drainage too. You can either aerate the lawn using a garden fork or a hollow tine aerator. By creating minute holes in the surface the soil will become looser. This should be done at 15cm intervals and for larger lawns, this may be a time-consuming process but one that is necessary to improve the conditions of your lawn.


Dig up any weeds

Weeds can often plague lawns and if they are not dealt with correctly, they will reemerge in the future. Using a trowel or your hands dig around these weeds and then remove them from the surface. Once you have done so, you should then apply an appropriate weed killer to prevent them from growing. Again, this can be a time-consuming task depending on the size of your lawn and the severity of the issue, but a step that is worth it if you want to maintain a weed-free area.


Rake up any grass or moss

After mowing your lawn, you will likely notice the small piles of grass that have been churned up and then dispersed onto the lawn's surface. Use your rake to gather this grass and debris in one area so that it is easy to pick up.


Spread Seeds Over Bald Patches

You may have noticed some bald patches or areas of grass that are looking a little sparse and lacking volume. If this is the case, your lawn will benefit from seeding. Spread the seeds over the thinner patches of grass, using half the amount that is suggested on the product packaging, then use a rake to press the seeds into the soil. In very bare areas, you can break up the soil before adding the seeds and then recover them with new compost. To protect the area from birds, you may wish to use some kind of netting.


Feed and Fertilize the lawn

To encourage healthy growth you should ensure that your lawn is fed and fertilized. You can feed it using clippings as this will provide it with nutrients. Then you can add fertilizer to your lawn. There are many different types available so it is important to select the best option for your lawn requirements.


Ensure that the lawn is well watered

Your lawn must be well watered, especially during spells of warmer weather. The volume of rainfall is going to determine how regularly your lawn needs to be watered. Generally, you should water your lawn around 2 to 3 times a week. During warmer spells, you may wish to use a sprinkler, as this will disperse a constant but light stream of water to ensure that your lawn is sufficiently watered and not over-saturated.


Mow the lawn weekly

Ideally, you should try to mow your lawn on a weekly or fortnightly basis, although this will depend on the look that you are hoping to achieve and the speed at which your lawn grows as some grow slower than others. The cutting height of the mower will also likely differ depending on the weather. Avoid over mowing the lawn as this may cause it to become damaged.


Edge the lawn when necessary

You can also cut the edges of your lawn using a specific half-moon edging tool and after mowing your lawn you can then use shears to cut any stray sections of grass that the mower missed. Doing this will help you to achieve a manicured lawn.

Transforming your lawn is quite a process and something that can be accomplished over several weeks. You may not notice results immediately, but over time your lawn is likely to flourish and appear much healthier. Transforming your lawn requires lots of ongoing maintenance and it is important to follow up with these steps on a routine basis to achieve the best results.





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