Easy Ways to Properly Maintain Your Swimming Pool

If you want to start maintaining your pool, but are not sure how to go about it, check out the points below.


A pool is undoubtedly one of the greatest assets you can have in summer. Who does not like basking in the sun, soaking in some vitamin D, and taking a quick swim? Pools are perfect for those languid summer days when you just want to kick back and relax, not to mention the fun parties you can throw when you have a pool. However, keeping your pool clean is not an easy task, especially if you have never had a pool before. There are many considerations to think about to keep your pool clean and fit for use. So, if you want to start maintaining your pool, but are not sure how to go about it, check out the next few points.

Clean Its Floor and Walls

If the walls and floor of your pool are dirty, then the water itself can get contaminated as well. Of course, no one is going to risk jumping in a dirty pool. Thankfully, the skimmer can take care of the surface of your pool; thus, you just need to empty its basket to get rid of floating debris, twigs, and leaves. After that, you need to clean the floor and walls. Do not worry; you do not have to empty your pool and start scrubbing! Quite simply, you can run a vacuum to do the job for you. Keep in mind that there are many types of cleaners out there, so you need to do your homework. According to an insightful review at poolcareguy.com/best-suction-pool-cleaner/, a suction cleaner is best because it is affordable and efficient. However, you need to read reviews to know if the model you have in mind actually performs well. After you get your vacuum, you need to run it for half an hour and keep moving it to cover all areas. To finish the job, you can use a brush to remove any algae on the walls of the pool.

Maintain the Pump and Filter

Your pump provides circulation in your pool, which keeps the water moving and allows it to be filtered. The pump has a basket that catches hair and lint, so you need to dispose of its contents every few days. Nonetheless, do not forget to turn the system off before you do this. Moreover, you need to maintain your filter as well. A process called “backwashing” is the best way to do this. All you need to do is set the filter valve to “backwash” to reverse the flow of water and push out the dirt and grime. Yet, you will not need to go through this process if you have a cartridge filter because you can just take it off and rinse it. On the other hand, this process is essential for sand and diatomaceous earth filters, so check the type you have first.

Test the Water

Before you start dumping chemicals in your pool, you need to understand its chemistry. The first thing you must consider is the pH level of water. Optimally, the pH level should be somewhere between 7.2 and 7.8. Similarly, alkalinity is closely tied to the pH level, as it helps regulate it. So, it should be between 100 and 150 ppm. Also, you should keep a close eye on the calcium levels in your pool because if they get too high, the excess calcium can ruin it. Ideally, the range is 175-250 ppm. Since now you know the optimal levels of such elements, you need to test the water frequently using test strips.

Apply Chemicals

Mainly, there are three types of chemicals you need to know about: chlorine, shock treatments, and algaecide. Chlorine helps sanitize the water by killing bacteria and germs. In case you have a chlorinator installed, put chlorine sticks in it, and let it do its job. Alternatively, you may also use a floating container, but it is a safety hazard for children. Every once in a while, chlorine alone will not be enough, so you must apply shock treatments. Some chlorine products already contain shock treatments. Therefore, if this is the case, skip this step. Finally, because algae might start growing in your pool, algaecides are a must. To prevent algae from blocking your filter, pour algaecides in your pool after applying the shock treatment.

Although a pool can be a great addition to your home, you need to follow a strict routine to maintain it. Cleaning the walls and floors of your pool, testing its water, maintaining the filter and pump, and applying chemicals are all important measures to ensure the safety of your pool. Remember, a dirty pool is conducive to many illnesses, so with a little bit of effort, you can easily prevent that by maintaining yours.



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