Simple Landscaping Ideas for an Attractive and Functional Backyard

Transform your garden into a cozy or a beautiful quiet sanctuary for all your family members or a nice view from your kitchen window.




Did you know that your garden is an extension of your interior design? Wellbeing able to plan and come up with simple landscaping ideas for a fully functional backyard can be an entertaining and enjoyable encounter for any homeowner undertaking the project.

Also don’t forget to consider the factors such as who is likely to use your garden, if where you live will have any impact on your landscape design, how do you start planning to use your garden and if you need to consider the climate in your region.
With all the ideas that are to be listed below, you can then be able to transform your garden into a cozy or a beautiful quiet sanctuary for all your family members or a nice view from your kitchen window.


1. Make good planting choices

Every homeowner will have some ideas of how they would like their garden to look like, from plants such as hosta, shrubs, or even trees. Before you start to look for a plant for your backyard, consider knowing what will bloom and what to avoid.
Consider the following steps even before you start purchasing a plant online or from a garden shop.


• Find your hardiness zone

A hardiness zone is defined as a geographical area specified to accommodate a variety of climate conditions for a particular plant to survive. Hardiness zone maps will help you to determine the plants that can thrive in your garden.


• Chart sun exposure

There are different types of sunlight that your backyard gets per hour. They include the filtered sun, full shade, partial sunlight, or full sun. Be able to mark where you want to plant and the type of sun it will get every day. This will enable you to choose the right plant per the preferred kind of sun exposure.

You will also know which plant will bloom well in every part of your backyard.


• Check your soil type

Your soil will never be perfect enough to accommodate any plant; however, some plants will bloom better than others on some preferred soil type. A lot of our garden plants prefer loam soil. Others will grow better in sandy soils and others in clay soils.
Once you have determined the texture of your soil, your garden will be able to maintain healthy plant growth.



2. Simple or practical planning?

Each landscaping idea should include the type of plant you want in your garden and the amount of time you would like to maintain it. These plants will give you privacy, food, and even shade.


• Perennials

Perennials are plants or even flowers that are known to live for more than two or three years. Its roots will live if you decide to cut down a perennial flower, but the flowers will die off. Also, plants such as hostas are very easy to take care of since they stand out in the shade.


• Annuals

These plants are planted during summer and spring; they only bloom for one season and die off afterward. They are cost-friendly as compared to the perennials and can give your backyard landscape a trendy and seasonal look. However, they require a lot of maintenance and a lot of work since you have to replace them every year.


• Greener grass

A fantastic and eye-catching landscape can lack the mark when your lawn has crabgrass or even bare spots. To solve this, you will need to grab a roll of sod and wait for the best results. Note that it is essential to know the perfect type of grass that grows well in your area.


• Privacy plants

These are plants planted along your borderline that are used for exceptional privacy in your backyard. When maintained properly, your backyard landscaping will have the best color and texture that you desire.



3. Use recycled materials

With every individual buying the same plants and flowers these days, it has become barely impossible to find something unique. You can start to decorate your garden with recycled materials for you to come up with something special. You can use plastic bottles to create a backyard art or even wheelbarrows as pots where you can plant a few flowers.



A lot of these landscaping ideas are done over the weekend, the thought of how and when to start can be immense at times. For instance, a perennial or an annual plant will take a year or two for it to bloom, be patient when implementing a landscaping idea, and see beautiful results.




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