Best Landscape Options Instead of Grass

Grass can be challenging to maintain, so if you are looking for something that is less demanding, there are more options than you might think.



The time has come for you to choose a new design for your garden. Maybe you’ve been scouring gardening magazines and watching your favorite TV shows for inspiration. Still, it can be quite overwhelming, and the many available choices can make your decision even harder.

Grass can be challenging to maintain, so if you are looking for something that is less demanding, there are more options than you might think. We’re about to make things a little simpler for you and go through some of the best landscaping alternatives to grass.

Synthetic Grass

This is a popular option for anyone who still wants the green look to their garden, but without the time-intensive maintenance. One of the great pros here is that synthetic grass looks the same all year round.

When the winter months kick in and a normal lawn would usually look a little lifeless, you still get the same lush appearance with synthetic grass. If you have children, they will appreciate being able to use it for more of the year.

Consider the benefits for the environment as well. With grass, you will spend many summer days watering your lawn to make sure it stays in good condition. There is no such water requirement with synthetic lawns.


Sometimes known as mulch, woodchips are often found in kids’ playgrounds or kept in plant beds. One of the key benefits with woodchips is the fact that they keep weeds at bay. Once again, this is a low-maintenance option that adds an attractive color to your garden and can be sectioned with a stone border to really make it appealing.

Woodchips help to keep moisture levels at an optimal amount and can come in different colors. This is a great way to customize your garden; you can even use red woodchips, rather than the more common brown and black, to really add some color.


Stone is a cost-efficient option that will really make your garden easy to maintain. The same benefits from the other options apply here as well: stones or pebbles are better for the environment, require a lower amount of maintenance, and can add another level of color.

Sand and stone landscapes are an inexpensive option that stops weeds from growing, not to mention the added security to your home. It is hard to walk on stones without making a bit of noise!

Herb Garden

This option is growing in popularity and has some great benefits that the alternatives do not. Yes, it adds another layer of color to the garden, and herbs are not difficult to maintain, even for those who weren’t born with green thumbs.

The obvious benefit, though, is for the cook in the house. Being able to add fresh herbs to your meals not only enhances the taste but is satisfying when sourced from your own garden.

Each one of the above options makes a great alternative to your landscape’s current look and can really improve the overall look and feel of your garden.



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