February Gardening Tips in 4 Stages

A new year is all about new beginnings and now is the perfect time for stock-taking to determine if your beloved garden requires an overhaul or just a fix-up




Most people hardly attend to the gardens during the cold season. However, the month is crucial to the garden’s condition come spring and might determine the success of your plans for the year. A new year is all about new beginnings and now is the perfect time for stock-taking to determine if your beloved garden requires an overhaul or just a fix-up. No matter the type of gardening project you’d like to embark on, they say once you have sowed the seed of love for gardening, it never dies. We will guide you on some of the things you could do during the cold season when planting is less of an option?



You will discover that successful gardening requires a great deal of planning. February is when you do most of the preparation work, to create a foundation for the more handful job come spring. At this point, research is the most basic means to open your gardening. Different areas in your gardening space can be wisely used to support different plant species. Whether looking for new flowers, fruits or vegetables for your home garden, researching will expose you to great ideas on maximizing space. The great weather in states like California broadens the range of plants that can thrive in your garden.

After you make your choices, buy the plants from local suppliers, as they have already developed better adaptation to the weather conditions. There are exciting things you can do today, even with limited garden space. Now is the perfect time to set up an edible flower garden with interesting options like snapdragons, pansies, pineapple sage, calendula, and so much more! If you are looking to create an aesthetic space right at home, consider colorful plants like dianthus, English daisies, alyssum, toadflax, Drummond Phlox, pansies fuchsia.


Section the Garden and Create a Schedule

Assuming you are done with your research and now have your desired plants in mind. Your local supplier always has excellent advice on which seeds to plant during the cold season and what to avoid. It all starts by structuring the garden. Envision a well-organized garden, with systematic alignment and patterning of the different crops you have in mind. You will have an easier time planting when you know what goes where. The last thing in the planning phase is securing the gardening space. Ensure the enclosure has a lockable gate to avoid anyone or animals interfering with your good work. Get locksmiths to replace your locks and ascertain there are no hidden paths that can be used to access this space. Some plants are better planted before others. A good crop rotation practice has numerous benefits such as preventing the development of certain diseases and utilization of soil nutrients.


Clean up the Garden

At this stage, you will want to clean up the old plants. Pruning is a crucial process that requires some level of skill. You should, therefore be very careful when choosing which plants to trim. However, a basic step is to make sure you eliminate dead plants and weathered parts to create a fresh look. The dead plants can be used as mulch. When pruning, it would be best to start with the climbers and control their spread. Also, make sure they hold tight to their supports. Cut some wisteria tendrils to leave only two or three buds for better development. Roses’ flowered shoots should be cut by two-thirds. Also, remember to tie new shoots.

Some plants such as clematis that are just flowering shouldn’t be touched unless you don’t want them to flower. Wait until early summer to lightly trim those that flower. Shrubs and trees should not be touched unless in critical times. If you have to trim bushes, trim a third then another third after a month when the temperatures are warmer. Remember to protect those that you cut from the cold by use of fleece or blankets.


Weed and Mulch

Weeds are commonly identified as unwanted plants in gardens. However, they too have some benefits. By weeding, it means getting rid of the unwanted plants and taking advantage of their known benefits to create a more conducive environment for the wanted ones. Cut the weeds, leaving their roots only. Roots decompose to enrich the soil while enriching soil microbes necessary for healthy soil development. They also loosen the soil for increased aeration and hydration. Some weeds such as dandelion, White clovers and chickweed are beneficial and should be left to thrive but in a controlled population. Unless affected by diseases, dead plant parts should be chopped off and used as mulch. You could also mulch with straw or chopped leaves. Mulching has numerous benefits to the soil, such as preventing weed growth, preserving moisture, fertilizing the soil and preventing erosion.

Since the cold weather conditions prevent planting most crops at the start of the year, why not do the extra work that doesn’t require warm weather? You could also order more seeds and protect those in your store by covering them from extreme cold. Remember to water indoor plants regularly since room temperatures cause dehydration. Home gardening is fun and relaxing especially if you have a functional schedule that guarantees great results.





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