5 Simple Techniques to Improve Garden Soil

In this article, we look at ways to use simple techniques that will help improve the condition of the soil in your garden.





Balanced soil is essential for the health and prosperity of your garden. However, the ground is rarely perfect initially, so you have to take good care of it. Knowing the level of fertility and the content of various components in the soil will help you make it more balanced. Don't be put off by concepts including phosphorus deficiency and alkaline soil. In this article, we will talk about simple techniques that will help improve the condition of the soil.


5 Techniques to Improve Garden Soil

Here you will find several simple but effective methods that will help make your garden flourish and be productive. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can use these practices. Find the ways that work best for you and improve your soil.





Plant Manure Crops

Green manure or cover crop is plant material that has already been uprooted or withered. Such material becomes mulch and natural fertilizer to make the soil more favorable. In addition, green manure delivers essential nutrients to the ground. Cover crops can be grown in the off-season when not growing primary plants such as herbs or vegetables. More information about manure crops you can find here https://eos.com/blog/green-manure/.

Planting cover crops is best in the fall months after your horticultural crop has been harvested. Green manure can also be planted as part of a crop rotation during the growing season. In the autumn-winter period, green manure helps prevent washing out of the rich topsoil.





Add Compost

Compost is decomposed organic matter that adds nutrients to the soil. In addition, the use of compost improves soil structure and its drainage properties. For water and air to better penetrate the roots, the ground must be loose. Plants are less susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks on nutrient-enriched soil that also retains culvert capacity. In addition, compost helps support essential organisms in the ground, including earthworms. It is critical because the worms improve aeration and drainage.





Soil Fertility Testing

The soil is in order if you carefully dig the ground and find at least 7-10 worms. However, determining nutrient levels and chemical balance is also essential. In addition, these characteristics are interrelated. Some nutrients are not available to the soil if the chemical composition is unbalanced. Soil analysis should be done so that you can correct its condition promptly. As for determining fertility, you should pay attention to the number of worms.









Try Adding Mulch

Organic mulch also helps protect the soil. It is desirable to use materials such as straw, which have a high carbon content. Microbes break down excess carbon. Mulch also retains moisture in the soil and maintains optimum temperature. Mowed grass can also serve as material for mulch. However, it is better to dry it before that so that it is not slippery. Another source of mulch can be organic wood fiber found in cardboard or newspapers. Mulch also retains water, especially during heavy rains when the ground can be washed away. Thus, the necessary amount of water enters the roots, but they are not flooded and do not rot.





Prevent Soil Compaction

This step is necessary to improve the water and oxygen permeability of the soil. Plants cannot develop properly in conditions of compacted and hard soil. In addition, young plants can die from lack of water, and the land becomes barren due to a lack of nutrients and moisture. Compacted soil also leaves no room for microbiological activity. Clay soils are most susceptible to compaction, but this problem can be solved by adding organic matter. If you walk on the beds in the garden, this can also provoke compaction. Therefore, you should make paths between the beds and not step on the ground with plants.



The methods described in this article will help you improve the condition of the soil. It means that the plants you decide to grow will take root and develop. Soil tests will help you find a balance and see what you can improve. Do not water plants too much or add excessive amounts of organic matter. Everything should be in moderation. Maintaining a balance is necessary for air to flow to the roots of plants. Use this guide to improve the fertility and productivity of your garden.




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