5 DIY Lawn Care Tips to Get a Beautiful Lawn

Yes, you can also own a beautiful lawn just like your neighbors. Want to know how? Keep reading to get the tips!





Who does not like to have a lush green and beautiful lawn? Each one of us does. If you are planning to enhance your landscape, you might not be able to decide whether to get professional lawn service or opt for DIY lawn care.

If you choose DIY, you need to take care of several things while taking care of your garden. Let us look at the 5 DIY lawn care tips to get a beautiful lawn. Here we go!


Prepare your lawn

The first step to getting a great lawn is to prepare your yard. If you are starting from scratch, do not forget to remove the existing grass. But, leave some stretches of grass if they are already growing well. Remove rocks, sticks, and other debris in the lawn and dig up old roots. Inspect your lawn correctly to find any weeds. Dig the weeds and till the soil to avoid regrowth. After this, you can also test the soil's pH to help you determine grasses' ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. It will also help you decide the grass seed you should plant. The most effective way to adjust the pH is by adding organic material to it, like compost.


Aerate and seed the lawn

Your lawn will get compact overtime. Please aerate the lawn by creating small holes that allow water, air, and nutrients to promote vigorous root growth. It is easy to aerate the lawn. Water thoroughly one to two days before aerating. Run the aerator in a pattern that covers the area only once. After this, rake the soil cores and compost, followed by sprinkling sand or peat moss to fill the holes. It is an ideal time to seed and fertilize the lawn after aeration. Before overseeding, cut the grass at the lowest setting and remove the dead grass. Add the seed, feed, and water.


Fertilize the lawn

Plan for about five occasions to feed your lawn throughout April to October. While phosphorous promotes root growth, potassium builds strength. Check the fertilizer for labels that indicate the percentage of each amount you can choose based on your needs. The grass type growing in your lawn decides the kind of fertilizer to use. Remember, do not apply more quantity than what the label instructs. Make use of a spreader to disperse the fertilizer evenly and avoid patchy burns. Apply evenly by walking in a straight line at a steady pace. Then water the lawn by adopting the best water practices.


Water adequately

Water your lawn for about 1 hour a week to a depth of one inch so that it reaches into the roots. Try to avoid watering during hot days. Instead, watering your lawn in the early hours of sunrise will help achieve a balance between evaporation and moisture retention. Pay attention to the weather also as there is no reason to water the lawn after recent rain. In case you are using a sprinkler, do not forget to turn it off on time. You can set a timer also as over-watering through sprinkler will damage the grass.


Mowing the grass

Mowing is to cut the high grass in the lawn with a lawnmower. It is the key to a healthy lawn as each cut encourages thick grass growth, creating a luxuriant look. It also blocks the weeds and makes the grass more hard-wearing. Try aiming to reduce the height by only one-third each time you mow as more than that would affect the grass’s health and vigor. And yes! Do not mow the grass in the same way, every time. Change the direction every time to help reduce soil compaction, encourage grass blades to grow upright, and get a uniform cut. Always mow on dry grass as cutting on the sodden ground will make the mower smear and rut the soil.



Your home lawn acts as a natural outdoor carpeting that you can admire and enjoy. DIY lawn care becomes easy with the above tips. Other than these, essential steps like weeding, watering, fertilizing, and cutting will help your lawn look clean and green. All you need is sincere time and effort. And in case you need some specific tips as per the grass type, fertilizer, or the condition of your land then do visit thankyourlawn. It will tell you how to take care of your garden and keep your grass healthy and green.






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