Install a door bell

We're all very careful when letting people into our homes and I recently decided to put a lock on my garden gate and install a door bell. I can see the gate from the kitchen window, but if you can't install a door bell that allows 2-way communication to the gate - so that you know who's there.


You're also going to need a few basic tools and materials.

Tape measure
Double-sided table
Drill/Driver and assorted drill and screw bits
Wall anchors and screws [small]


1. Mount the interior console where you will be able to hear the bell from all sections on your home. Mount to the wall with double-sided table.

2. Remove the back section from the ringer. This only clicks together and should be easy to prise apart. Place against the wall where you want the ringer to be mounted and use a pencil to mark the drill holes.

3. The unit is extremely light so a couple of small wall plugs and screws are all that you need. Use a masonry bit to drill out for the wall plugs, remembering to make the hole slightly deeper than the actual length of the wall plugs.

4. Push the wall plug through the holes in the back plate and then push into the drilled holes in the wall. If the holes in the back plate are too small, use the drill bit to enlarge. Make sure that it is pushed in firmly and lies flat against the wall.

5. Insert the screws into the wall plugs and fasten the back plate securely onto the wall.

Ding dong ! Your new door bell is installed. Now you will know who to let in and who to avoid.