How To Weatherproof Your Home For Winter

Autumn is almost upon us and now is the best time to start weatherproofing your home for winter.





Hard to believe that summer is almost over, but it won't be long before the temperature starts dropping and the chill starts to seep into your home. Autumn is a great time to start going around the house and fixing up any areas that need repair or to start weatherproofing a home if not already done.

Whatever region you live in, heating or cooling a home makes up a large percentage of your monthly energy bill. If you take the time to fully weatherproof your home, you could drastically reduce these costs and have an energy-efficient home that reduces your carbon footprint.

Weatherproofing a home doesn't require any technical skills and you can easily tackle most of the projects listed below with basic DIY knowledge and a few tools and supplies that you can buy at any Builders store. So let's take a look at some essential weatherproofing jobs you can do around the home before winter sets in.


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First off, going around your house and insulating windows and doors where draughts get in is an easy task that does not require any special skills, other than knowing how to use a caulking gun, utility knife or screwdriver. You want to check around windows and doors for areas where there are gaps and fill these in.







Using a sealer around glass panes or window beadings is a common fix that won't take long and will block out draughts and provide better insulation for a home, making it easier to keep cold air out and seal warmth in the home. Using foam rubber insulation strips around window frames and doors will close any gaps in these areas and help keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.



There are many different brands on the shelf at your local Builders store, but as long as you buy one that is specifically designed to fill or seal exterior gaps, that's all you need.



I live in a house that is older than 20-years of age that has wooden window frames. Every year I go through the motions of checking window frames, sanding down and re-applying sealer and generally making sure the windows are in good condition. I do like my wooden windows but recently had a neighbour replace all his windows with energy-efficient uPVC window frames and French doors with double glazing.







From the street, it's hard to see any difference since the frames are brown, but that's where the similarity ends. On the inside, the windows and doors provide a tight seal and block out any draughts, as well as a fair amount of noise. I was also told that they no longer use their air conditioner when at home except when the temperature has exceeded 20-degrees ambient.

Not saying you need to replace your windows, but if they are old and no longer do what they are supposed to do, perhaps it's time to look at the possibility.


Replacing old windows with energy-efficient alternatives is a money-saver that will help keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter.




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