Quick Tip: Unblock Drain

Sooner or later every homeowner will need to attend to a plumbing fix or two, whether it is dealing with a blocked drain in a kitchen sink, or a shower drain that will not let water drain away.


Sooner or later every homeowner will need to attend to a plumbing fix or two, whether it is dealing with a blocked drain in a kitchen sink, or a shower drain that will not let water drain away. But did you also know that your home plumbing makes it easy to fix blockages that are close to the house?

In this article, we share a couple of easy plumbing fixes you might not know about, and these fixes will save you a lot of money if you can solve the problem without having to call a plumber.


Drains can easily become blocked. In the kitchen the most common problem is a build-up of fat in the kitchen sink pipes. What you don't realise when pouring fat - even a small amount of fat - down the drain is that this solidifies in the pipes. Over time this build-up of fat traps other food particles that go down the drain and the drains become blocked.

Before resorting to a chemical drain cleaner, which are highly toxic, try this easy remedy to release fat blockages and clean out the pipes under a sink or basin.


1. An eco-friendly way to unblock a sink drain and to keep your drains clean, is to use white spirit vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. To clean a drain of a fat blockage, place a large spoon of bicarb on top of the drain and then quickly pour white spirit vinegar over the top. As soon as it starts to fizz, it works to dissolve fat and clean the drain.

2. Cleaning a blocked drain is a minor problem you can easily fix - without too much effort and without using toxic chemicals. The first step will be to use a plunger to try and clean the blockage. You can buy a plunger at any Builders store and they cost around R40, depending on your location. This handy tool is a 'must-have' for any home and will come in very useful for small blockages in sinks or the toilet.

If, after using the plunger, you find that the drain is still blocked, you may need to invest in a drain auger.

3. A drain auger is a tool that you can buy at any hardware store that is used to unblock drains. This tool is particularly handy when you have a blocked bathtub or shower drain where the cap cannot be removed.

Should the drain still be blocked despite trying the above, it is time to move outdoors to clear the blockage.


All the plumbing pipes into your home drain water away to pipes that are located to the outside of the building. On your home exterior you will find a collection of pipes that drain water away from bathrooms and kitchens. On these pipes you will also notice that there are inspection caps that can be opened for easy inspection of drains.

To gain access to the pipes all you need is a pair of locking pliers to turn the inspection cap and open the drain. DSC5746
Once the drain is open, you will easily be able to see if there are any blockages on the outside.



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