How To Spray Paint Interior Walls and Ceilings

Machines have made so many tasks easier, and nowadays, you can use a paint sprayer to transform interior walls and ceilings.



Nowadays, there are plenty of advanced machines to get jobs done easily and quickly. For those involved in painting projects where large painting jobs are the norm - traditional paintbrushes or rollers won't do the trick, since it takes far more time to apply and you could end up with unsatisfied clients. For larger painting projects you have the option to use advanced paint sprayers that are available on the market for spray painting residential and commercial interior walls and ceilings. Using these spray systems is relatively simple, but it does require some getting used to.

We offer the following guidelines to make your next painting project easier: 

Paint Sprayer or Roller?

For many larger painting projects the paint sprayer is far more efficient than using a paintbrush or paint roller, especially if you are painting a large room, or an entire house. Using a paint sprayer allows you to do this usually labour-intensive project in a couple of hours, rather than several days.

However, if you only have a small painting project on hand, it is far better to use paintbrushes and rollers. With a paintbrush and paint roller every single drop of paint ends up on the wall surface. Add to that the fact that most high-end paint sprayers can be expensive, and you will understand why paint sprayers are more efficient the larger the project.


What to spray first - Ceiling or Walls?

When you are using paint sprayer, it is recommended that you start with ceilings. Once this is painted and dry you can move on to painting walls. When painting a ceiling you need to ensure walls (and floors) are covered to protect from overspray. If you paint walls first, they will only end up full of paint spatter and need to be painted again. Where finish is critical, you can always resort to using a paintbrush or paint roller.


Preparing to Paint

Before you starting spraying ceilings or walls, take note of the following:

- Move furniture out of the room to ensure it will not be damaged by paint spatter.

- Cover floors with drop cloths to protect from paint drips and runs.

- Wear protective gear to protect your clothing and hair from paint. Safety goggles will ensure your eyes are protected.

- Only use a quality stepladder. A stepladder is essential when painting ceilings and walls.

- Apply painter's tape to light switch covers and fittings to keep them safe.


Prepare for Spraying on Walls and Ceilings

Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for paint thickness. Most paints have to be diluted with water to a suitable consistency for proper application. Follow the instructions for filling the paint sprayer. Over or under filling the sprayer will affect the performance, so always follow the proper procedure for using the sprayer that you have.

If you are using a previously opened can of paint, filter the paint before you use to remove any lumps, as these may block the paint sprayer or cause paint spatter.

Do a test run before starting on the main project to check that the sprayer works without clogging and offers a consistent finish. If the sprayer clogs, check that the paint is properly diluted. Use water to dilute acrylic or latex paints, or an appropriate thinner for oil- or solvent-based paints.


How to Paint Ceilings

When painting ceilings, a paint sprayer is a more efficient method that is easy when compared to the traditional roller and brush. Once you have mixed paint to the desired consistency you're ready to start. Move the paint sprayer parallel to the ceiling in a backwards and forwards motion, slightly overlapping each stroke as you move across the ceiling. The nozzle of the spray gun should be approximately 20 centimeters away from the ceiling.

After applying paint in a side to side motion, repeat the process in the alternating direction. This procedure is called cross-coating and is essential for proper finishing. Once the desired finish is achieved, you can leave the paint to dry. If the desired finish is not achieved - repeat the process.


How to Paint Walls

When it comes to painting walls you can use paintbrushes and roller. When using a paint sprayer, care has to be exercised on the edges of the walls. Start with window or door trim and move to the end of a wall. This will let you see the coverage of the paint on the walls.