Eureka Tek Roofing Screws

When you need to secure IBR sheet roofing, Eureka Tek self-drill screws are the ideal fastener for securing metal to metal, wood to wood and even metal to wood.


Self-drill Tek screws are far more economical than having to drill, tap and fasten individual screws. These screws drill the perfect pilot holes (in wood) - getting the job done quicker. Eureka Tek screws can easily complete a wide variety of woodworking and metalworking jobs. All you need is a drill ad the Eureka 8mm nut-setter for speedy and professional installation.

To successfully install roof sheeting, the top section of thread pulls the roof sheeting and EPDM bonded washer tightly together to prevent leaks. This also ensures a more stable installation, as roof sheeting won't sag under load.

The coarse-thread of the Eureka Tek screw prevents wind from loosening or lifting roof sheets - making it the ideal fastener for windy areas.

For more information, check out the Eureka Tek Screw video on You Tube.

Eureka Class 4 Screws - Suitable for harsh weather conditions

Eureka Class 4 Screws are just the thing for roofing and cladding applications in coastal regions. The premium corrosion resistant coating has been put to the test, with a 1500 hours Salt Spray Test Certificate.

• Marine environments

• Protected against UV from the sun

• Use in high-humidity regions

• Protected against airborne acids from industry and chemical sprays

Choose from Type 5 for steel frame and roofing and Type 17 for wood.