6 Things Every Homeowner Should Know About the Furnace

Below are six things every homeowner should know about their furnace





The furnace is one of the most important appliances in a home as it provides heat during the colder months. It’s critical for survival if you live in extremely cold climates. However, the unit is still an important appliance even if you live in a more moderate climate. Here are six things every homeowner should know about the furnace:


How You Manage and Take Care of Your Furnace Impacts How Long It Lasts

On average, furnaces last between 15 and 20 years. If you don’t regularly maintain or take care of issues, the heating system will not last as long as it could. Contact a Furnace Repair Service in Colorado Springs whenever you detect strange noises, leaks, or inconsistent heating.

Having your furnace regularly serviced and changing the filter every month increases its lifespan. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations or those of your service professional.


Schedule Yearly Furnace Inspections

Have a professional inspect your furnace every year before you use it. The expert will catch any issues before they become bigger problems. It will be more expensive to fix if you wait to have the furnace serviced when it breaks down.

During the annual inspection, the expert will also clean and lubricate the parts, enabling the unit to run more efficiently. It's also at this time when they'll check the carbon monoxide and combustion levels.


You Can Save Money by Replacing an Older Furnace

Older furnaces are less efficient than the newer models and might cost you more money in the long run. They also may not heat your home as evenly, leading to hot and cold spots. You can save up to 30% on heating costs by replacing an older furnace with a newer, more efficient model.

Smart models have added features such as a programmable thermostat that save you even more money. They also detect when there is a drop in temperature and turn on automatically. You're never without heat.


Size Matters

A wrongly sized furnace will not only be inefficient but could also be a safety hazard. An oversized furnace will cycle on and off more frequently, which can shorten its lifespan. It can also lead to the accumulation of condensation on the unit, which eventually causes corrosion.

On the other hand, a furnace that's too small will have to work harder to heat your home, leading to higher energy bills. In extreme cases, it may not be able to keep up with the demand, leaving you without heat.

A professional will determine the right size for your furnace, considering your home's square footage, insulation, and local climate. They will also take into account the capacity of your ductwork.


Choose the Right Fuel Type

There are three common types of furnaces - gas, oil, and electric. The fuel type you choose is based on various factors, including the cost of the fuel, availability, efficiency, and environmental concerns. Gas furnaces are the most popular choice as they're less expensive than oil or electric models. They're also efficient, with some models reaching up to 98.5%.


Consider Zoning When Installing a New Furnace

If you have a large home, consider a zoning system. It allows you to heat different areas independently. You can have the upper level of your home set to a different temperature than the lower level.


Proper Care Prolongs the Unit’s Life

Take time to research furnaces before you buy one. This way, you'll have a unit that meets your needs and lasts for many years. Also, service it regularly to keep the efficiency high. It's always advisable to consult an HVAC professional when in doubt or experiencing problems.





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