Decor Tips for Homes with High Ceilings

Decorating a home with high ceilings can be a challenge.


Many people, especially those who live in areas with temperate climates, love to have high ceilings for their homes. Aside from making the room look very elegant and open, high ceilings also make it a lot easier to cool the air inside the house. This helps the inhabitants save a lot on cooling systems.

But decorating a home with high ceilings can be a challenge. Aside from the fact that there will be more space to fill, installing things high up can be such a cumbersome and risky task, especially for novices. Because of this, it’s important that before you do anything, you have a complete home decorating plan so that all can be done in one go.

In this article, we present some ideas that you can include in your home decorating blueprint.

Follow the rule of thirds

If you look at your home as a canvas, you’d realize that you can very well divide it into three. The first level is the floor, the second level comprises the walls up to your height, and the third level is the high ceiling and the high walls that surround and support it. To make your decorating more organized, you can decide to limit your decor up to the second level and just leave the third level as is. Doing this will leave your home looking relaxed rather than fussy and crammed with ornaments.

Make creative use of lights

If you are not comfortable leaving the third level empty, you can add a splash of creativity to it by using artful lighting systems. Aside from ornate classic chandeliers, there are now a lot of other options. There are hanging lights that make use of more modern designs and aesthetics. Depending on what kind of feel you want to achieve, you can go for bulbs with bare wires hanging artfully from your ceilings or you can go for those that look like raindrops falling from a single source high up. Light manufacturers nowadays seem to be limited only by their imagination.

Of course, you should get the services of professionals if you decide to have lights installed in your home. We don’t advise that you do it yourself because chances are that you are not equipped with the proper fall protection tools.

Take the drapes high up

Should you decide to decorate using fabrics and drapes, it’s going to be wise if you extend them up to the ceiling rather than just limit them to the height of your windows. The extended draperies create vertical lines that connect the third level with the first and second, giving an impression that they are still part of one whole. When paired with aesthetically pleasing lights, tall drapes can truly work wonders for your space.

Decorating your home can require a lot of creative input if it has high ceilings. But this should not intimidate you. On the contrary, this should inspire you because the open space that high ceilings provide presents itself as a canvas ready for your creative and aesthetic explorations.



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