Make your own Rag Rug with old jeans

The days have started to turn chilly and it's time to put down rugs over the tiles to warm up living spaces. If you're looking for rugs that are a bit different from what you see in the stores - try making this rag rug from old jeans or clothes.



Old jeans - lots and lots of old jeans


Sewing machine and supplies

Weaving loom




1.Cut the old jeans into strips about 2.5cm wide - not including elbows, waist and seams.

2. Sew all the strips together until you have a large ball (you will need several large balls).

Now you're ready to start weaving on the loom using a shuttle. If you don't have a weaving loom, you will find easy instructions here for making your own basic weaving loom. There are also plenty of videos on You Tube, if you have the patience to troll through these - some of which are extremely boring and not that great!

You don't have to use jeans for this weave rug - you can substitute with old clothes. But jeans are very durable and hardwearing and make a great rug.

I also found this interesting loom made from copper pipes on Makezine. They don't offer instructions on how to make, but it's pretty self-explanatory from the pic. You will also find plenty of ideas for making a loom on Pinterest.



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