Eco sustainability is more than a trend

Every individual cycle in nature's eternal cyclical flow starts with a birth, then reaches a peak or phase of maximum power in order to subsequently prepare the ground for new things. In this rhythm, one generation always gives a helping hand to the next and thus ensures a continuous future. Mankind has caused this life pulse to stumble. The global climate is in serious crisis.




The green lifestyle is increasingly moving into all aspects of our life and in the bathroom, in particular, it has found a crucial point of crystallization – in the place where protected intimacy is united with cleanliness and relaxation. Those who place equal emphasis on beauty and durability, convenience and environmental friendliness definitely make the right decision when opting for Green Design.



Only if a radical reversal of trend is achieved in the next ten to fifteen years is it conceivable that the average global warming will not exceed the magical limit of two degrees. The new consciousness is manifesting itself in changed consumer behaviour which is less motivated by "I" and more by "We". Green Design is the name of the new trend whereby every purchasing decision takes account of the global consequences of individual living - in the here and now and also for our descendants.

Green products are distinguished by their special material quality, durability, careful use of resources in manufacture, and timeless, appealing design.




The new ecological trend in consumption is based on a greatly increased awareness that people's own behaviour provides them with lots of personal scope to positively influence the climate. The motivation for this comes from the desire to actively help create one's own and the global future and to accept responsibility.



Green lifestyle in the bathroom

A world of goods designed with holistic protection in mind provides a feeling of well-being by guaranteeing quality, and justifies a clear conscience by providing a valuable service to mankind, the climate and the environment over its complete life cycle. The newcomers are a stylish and perfectly designed part of the farsighted avant-garde and have long left behind the questionable charm of the colourless and formless aesthetics favoured by the environmental activists of the 80s. The issue of "sustainable consumption" now has a permanent place in the world of beautiful things.







Trendsetters such as architects and designers are increasingly putting the emphasis on aspects such as durability, careful use of resources, and health. They are motivated by ambitious product concepts which shape our usual lifestyle by taking account of subsequent generations. And they are successful: the green lifestyle is increasingly moving into all aspects of our life and in the bathroom, in particular, it has found a crucial point of crystallization – in the place where protected intimacy is united with cleanliness and relaxation. Those who place equal emphasis on beauty and durability, convenience and environmental friendliness definitely make the right decision when opting for Green Design because the environmental damage arising from manufacture, transport, maintenance and disposal is reduced to a minimum.



Simple is simply better

The recipe for the trend's success is simple: no need to do without, use better ideas instead. No fuss, use intelligent technologies instead. The familiar convenience remains, but its damaging effects are eliminated.