Remodelling a bathroom: DIY or Pro?

It’s every homeowner’s dream to have a beautiful bathroom that offers the ultimate in luxury, whether it’s installing a spa bath, adding a steam shower, or simply increasing the size by changing the layout of an existing bathroom. While the DIY route will save you money, there are some projects that are best left to the professionals.



Any home improvement project can be both challenging and exciting and, while there are savings to be had in tackling smaller projects on a do-it-yourself basis, major jobs that involve knocking down or building walls, plumbing or electrical work are best left to a professional contractor unless you have previous experience with this type of work.

One of the main reasons why many homeowners look at DIY as an option is limited budget. We all know that hiring a professional contractor is going to cost a lot more. On a large scale project where set skills are essential, hiring a professional contractor not only offers you a guarantee on the work done, but also ensures that a job is done in accordance with approved local government regulations and guidelines.




Before making any decisions on how to start your bathroom renovation consider your skill set, budget and the time available to complete the project. These factors alone will determine whether or not you do some of the work yourself or hire a professional to do the job for you.



Cost vs Quality

A major bathroom overhaul can easily cost thousands of rands if you plan on moving things around and installing new fittings. If you are still undecided as to whether this is a do-it-yourself or hire a pro project, consider the following:


  • Basic plumbing skills are something that every homeowner should equip themselves with, but when it comes to a major revamp, these skills are insufficient when you are ripping out and replacing.
  • Any electrical work, apart from cosmetic, must be done by a certified electrician and a compliance certificate issued upon completion. If you are looking to add atmosphere with the right lighting, a certified electrician will be able to advise on the correct fittings suitable for a bathroom, as well as fit any specialised circuits for bathroom fittings such as a spa bath or steam shower.
  • Tiling floors and walls is a reasonably simple DIY project, but what about plastering. If you haven’t done plastering before this is not the time to put new-found skills to use.







Guaranteed workmanship

Another plus for hiring a professional contractor is that you get a guarantee at the end of the project. A reputable renovation company will have the experience to get the job done much faster, but you need to make sure that you employ a contractor that is able to provide contactable references and has been in operation for more than a year or two.

Sit down and draft a contract that not only complies with what the contractor requires, but that also offers comprehensive details of what is required from your side.



Putting your design on paper

Hiring a company that specialises in bathroom renovation projects might cost more, but at the end of the day you will be able to sit down and plan your dream bathroom, know that any regulations will be complied with, and have the security of knowing that the work is guaranteed.

While drawing a rough plan is simple enough, ensuring accurate measurements, drawing plans for approval and having access to a wide range of suppliers is not.