Quick Tip: Remove rust stains in a toilet

When renting a home, or even buying an older home, rust stains in a toilet can be an eye-sore. Here are a few tips on getting rid of rust stains in a toilet.



If you are renting a home, or have bought an older home, you often encounter ugly rust or brown stains in the toilet. There are several methods that are effective in removing rust stains in a porcelain toilet:


Vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda

This method for removing stains involves using ingredients you probably already have in your home. You simply combine white spirit vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make a thick paste. The paste is applied over the top of rust stains and left on for a minimum of 30 minutes - the longer you can leave on the better.

White spirit vinegar is also great for removing hard-water stains and mineral build up on all you bathroom fittings.

After letting the paste do its job, use a stiff scrubbing brush to scrub the area and remove as much of the stain as possible. For some stains you may have to repeat this process several times.




Pummice Stone

If you find it hard to remove rust stains from inside the toilet using cleaners and pastes, it may be necessary to take more drastic action. A pummice stone, soaked in warm water, can be used to gently scrub away stains in a porcelain toilet.

GOOD TO KNOW: When scrubbing with a pummice stone, The pummice stone and porcelain surface must always be wet to avoid scratches.

However, this method can remove the outer protective glaze on porcelain, and this will mean that slight pitting may occur. If this is the case, you will need to regularly clean with household bleach.


Pummice stones are used for removing dry skin when bathing, but they can also be used to remove rust stains.