All South Africans Should Prepare For the Worst

As a popular TV series quotes, "Winter is Coming!" and all South Africans should have some preparations in place should the worst occur over the next few months.






No matter how deep we bury our heads in the ground, there can be no doubt that some form of preparedness should be taken to protect ourselves from whatever may happen in the next few months. Add to that that winter is coming and you don't want to be left in the cold, now is the best time to stock up on essentials that you may need at home in the following months. Here is our list of some popular items to shop for or stock up on as soon as possible.







This emergency list is intended for those who do not have solar power systems installed at home and offers a list of items that will come in handy over winter.



Be Prepared Shopping List

  • Warm winter clothing, thick woollen socks and cosy slippers
  • Fleecy blankets and throws for chilly evenings and to throw on the bed
  • Hot water bottles to keep the bed warm
  • Vacuum flasks for hot drinks and beverages
  • Gas bottles or canisters for gas heating or cooking
  • Bottled water preferably sourced from a reputable supplier or purchase BPA-free bottles and bottle your own water (boiled)
  • Solar torches or indoor lights that can be charged outdoors and used indoors
  • Batteries for all your battery-operated devices particularly torches or lights
  • Power bank for rechargeable devices
  • Cash on hand for any emergencies that may occur
  • Petrol or diesel for generators
  • Non-perishable and essential groceries such as rice, mealie meal, tinned foods, toilet rolls, etc.



The Power of Solar & Rainwater Harvesting

There are other considerations to factor in such as the installation of solar power in your home and the addition of rainwater harvesting tanks. The situation we might face in the coming months might well include high-level load shedding and pollution of our main water sources the latter of which will be further exacerbated by any load shedding. Investing in solar power now will ensure that you and your family will have access to essential power via solar panels while water harvested and stored in water tanks can be directed via a purification system or boiled and treated for safe consumption.





South Africa is a country that enjoys sunshine all year round which makes solar power an excellent choice and the heavy rainfall we experience during the rainy seasons will quickly fill up rainwater harvesting tanks. Do, however, have solar installed by a qualified installer who will issue you with a COC (Certificate of Compliance) so that you can include the installation with your homeowner's insurance for full cover in the event of damage. Those of you considering the installation of rainwater harvesting tanks should also look at including the installation of a water purification system similar to those installed at water points within the home.



As the southern hemisphere’s winter approaches, South Africa once again faces the threat of load shedding. Despite a two-month respite from rolling blackouts, the underlying issues remain unresolved, and the increased demand during winter will once again challenge Eskom’s limited generation capacity. Two main factors have contributed to the recent reprieve: the government’s efforts to stave off load shedding ahead of imminent elections, and a temporary decrease in power demand due to economic stagnation and a rise in private rooftop solar installations. However, persistent issues in infrastructure and maintenance necessitate long-term renewable energy solutions. South Africa’s desired economic growth is logically incompatible with decreased demand. During its peak, load shedding inflicted significant economic losses on South Africa, with estimates suggesting up to a billion rand per day. Then there is lower foreign investment, challenges attracting skilled professionals back home and difficulties for ordinary people trying to pay the bills.



As the world shifts towards a greener future, solar power stands out as a pragmatic response to energy crises and a strategic investment in environmental sustainability. However, widespread adoption faces significant challenges like economic constraints, regulatory hurdles and affordability issues for many households. As load shedding looms yet again, the urgency of transitioning to sustainable, renewable energy solutions becomes increasingly pressing. Solar power and other sustainable alternatives can help South Africans mitigate the energy crisis, spur economic growth, and pave the way for a greener, more resilient future, according to Versofy SOLAR.




This article does in no way whatsoever encourage panic shopping but rather informs on some items that you should always keep in the home in the event of an emergency whether it be power outages, heavy storms and possible flooding, or any other type of disaster. In fact, encouraging you to shop now will reduce any panic buying that may occur should anything happen.







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