Your Body Needs a Vacation

For anyone considering a once-in-a-lifetime dream vacation, there is no better time to plan for it than now to improve your body, mind and soul.




After the global pandemic and with most of the world's population still reeling from the effects, there has never been a better time to plan for that dream vacation, one where you get away from the grind of daily living and stretch out and relax. Everyone needs a break from the rat race, and we look at how taking a vacation is good for the mind, body and soul.


1. Improved Health

Our bodies must put up with a lot these days not only working hard but possibly also trying to bring a balance to working from home and managing a family. Pair that with the recent lockdown where we had to spend weeks in isolation being kept inside our homes to prevent the spread of the virus. Even after that, wave after wave has forced us to be cognizant of our surroundings and the people we encounterS.



One way to decrease our stress levels is to take a vacation, one where you totally remove yourself from the daily stress of life and reduce anxiety levels that help to bring down your blood pressure and calm down your body.



Another reason that a vacation is good for your health is that sunshine increases the production of vitamin D. Associated with improved well-being and, as a brain food, vitamin D boosts a healthy mind and studies have shown a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and Alzheimer's disease.



2. Achieve Mindfulness

As our lives get more hectic, we need to have an opportunity to take a step back and look at how we can change our lifestyle for the better. One way to achieve this is through mindfulness. For those that don't know, mindfulness is the practice of actions that help your body and mind to focus better and reduce stress levels. Not just through meditation, mindfulness is all about being aware of your feelings, taking a break to focus on your breathing and making sure to take the necessary breaks to give your body and mind the rest it needs to function properly.


3. Increased Mentality

WWhen work takes up a large percentage of your day and there is very little time to relax or play, you tend to lose sight of what is important, and self-care takes a back seat. Taking a vacation removes you from the work environment and the stress and strain of daily living and allows you more time to process your thoughts and spend more time with family and friends. Even a short vacation will energize your mind and body and reduce stress levels.


4. Regain your Happiness

OOne of the reasons you should never put off a vacation is the sense of happiness you feel when planning for a trip. It might be months or weeks in advance, but you will immediately see that your overall mood improves. It is a fact that dopamine is released into the brain pleasure centres when we look forward to a vacation, ultimately leading to increased happiness and improved mood.




Planning a vacation offers you endless options for location, but none more so than one where you experience the warm azure ocean and cool breezes found in the Caribbean. Pristine white-sand beaches, lush tropical forests and endless sunshine are just a few of the benefits you can experience. Cruise the many islands on a chartered IYC yacht and the world is your oyster.





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