Tips to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home

With these basics tips, you too will be able to make the perfect cup of coffee, every morning, in the comfort of your own home.




Coffee - the aroma, the taste. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in modern days. The majority of individuals will indulge in this drink in many different forms. Some like it hot, some like it cold, with or without milk. Not everyone understands the many different types of coffee and not everyone can appreciate the different aromas of coffee, as well as a coffee lover, would. One thing that everyone has in common is that we can all differentiate a good cup of coffee from a bad one.

A good cup of coffee first thing in the morning can set the mood for the rest of your day. Often people rely on coffee shops to get the best quality coffee but as this can be an expensive habit and going to the coffee shop may not always be an option available to you, you may be interested in brewing your own good cup of coffee. When you look at your usual barista, thinking of yourself making your own coffee may seem challenging and time-consuming and even finding good coffee beans may seem like it requires you to travel to exotic countries in order to achieve this. Although this is not the case and with some simple basics tips, you too will be able to make the perfect cup of coffee, every morning, in the comfort of your own home.


Fresh Coffee Beans

Firstly, you must buy fresh coffee beans. It is a known fact that coffee tastes best when used within days of being roasted. The best way to ensure you are getting the freshest coffee beans is to ensure that you buy from a local roaster as you need it, as buying it in bulk from the supermarket is not the best idea to constant exposure to bright light bringing out the worst flavors in the coffee. Coffee beans packaged by quality-conscious roasters and sold in sturdy, vacuum-sealed bags are often a better bet.



Coffee beans need to be kept fresh in order to maintain their quality and flavor and to ensure this you must always store opened coffee beans in an airtight container. Glass canning or ceramic jars or with rubber-gasket seals are good in maintaining the beans’ quality. Do not refrigerate or freeze coffee beans and do not keep them for long. Coffee beans should be used within 5 to 7 days of being roasted and always kept at room temperature.


Use Good Water

Something that people fail to consider when wanting to make good coffee is the quality of the water they use to make it. You can invest in the best coffee beans available to you and then ruin it with tap water with chlorine or off-flavors. Coffee lovers who really want to make the perfect cup of coffee use bottled spring water or activated charcoal/carbon filters on their taps, to ensure only the best water is used to make the coffee.


Avoid Cheap Filters


Cheap filters produce inferior coffee, therefore you should invest in some good quality filters, such as ‘dioxin-free’ paper filters. These are sure to deliver a maximum quality cup of coffee.


Do not Spare on the Coffee

The standard measure for making coffee of appropriate strength is 2 tablespoons per 6-ounce cup or about 2 3/4 tablespoons per 8-ounce cup. Using less coffee and hotter water in order to allow for more cups of coffee to be made tends to reduce the quality of the coffee, therefore if you are looking to make the perfect cup of coffee, follow the measures and do not be scared to use coffee generously.


Beware the Heat

If the water is too hot this will extract components in the coffee that are bitter rather than pleasant, therefore you should be mindful of this. The ideal water temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee should be is 200°F or about 45 seconds off a full boil. It should also be drunk immediately as coffee will not hold its flavors for long and you should not be reheating it as it will reduce the quality of the coffee and potentially turn it bitter.


Keep Your Equipment Clean

Make sure you clean storage containers every time you buy new coffee beans and grinders every few weeks to remove any oily build-up. You should invest in coffee equipment cleaning supplies in order to maintain your appliances clean and ensure the best quality coffee.

Having the perfect cup of coffee in the comfort of your home is easier than you think. Basic things such as appropriately storing your beans and using the best filters will prevent undesirable bitterness or off-flavors from your coffee. Whether your morning coffee is made with the best roast beans and you follow an elaborate brew process or you like a supermarket blend with a drip coffee maker, follow these simple tips for a delightful, perfect cup of coffee, every single time.



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