In the heat and panic of the moment don't forget essential details that need to be taken down if you are involved in a road accident, particularly if someone is injured.


You need to obtain all the information you can to complete a concise collision report if required by your insurer, by the police or for legal purposes. This will include:

Get the details:

• Names, telephone numbers, physical and postal addresses as well as identity numbers of those involved in the accident, including anyone injured in the collision.

• Names, telephone and identity numbers of witnesses.

• Name of the owner of the vehicle. If it is a company owned vehicle, record the company’s contact details.

• Names of passengers involved and their contact details.

• Vehicle information of any vehicles involved in the accident (registration number, licence disc details, colour, make and model) and the nature and extent of the damage.

• Details of the other party’s insurers.

• Details of damage to any other property.

• If a traffic officer is present, note his or her name, rank, staff number and station.

• The particulars of the other driver’s employer, if applicable.

• Date and time of the accident and physical location.

• Road conditions at the time of the accident. For example, was the road surface wet?

• If possible, take photographs of the accident scene ensuring that all four sides of the vehicles, including your own, are captured to show the extent of any damage (use your cellphone if it has a camera function).

• If possible, make a sketch of the accident scene, recording the positions of the vehicles relative to your own and any other landmarks in the immediate vicinity.

• Record the name of the tow contractor who tows your car.

And write it down!

How To Handle Injuries:

After the accident has happened, stop your vehicle immediately and ascertain if anyone is injured. If injuries have occurred, call emergency services immediately and try to make the injured person(s) comfortable. Get the professionals to the scene as soon as possible to increase any injured person’s chances of survival. Provide accurate details of the location and type of emergency. Most importantly, if anyone is seriously injured do not move them – unless their lives are at risk, through fire or further injury from other road users. Your best intentions may aggravate the injuries.

What to do and what not to do:

• Do not admit liability.

• Do not sign any documents presented to you.

• Report the accident to the nearest police station within 24 hours and obtain an accident reference number.

• Do not take any intoxicating liquor or drugs, especially if you are injured or in shock, unless you are instructed to do so by a medical practitioner.

• Complete the towing slip diligently.

Automobile Association


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