7 Steps You Need to Undertake to Create a Lawn of Your Dream

Thoughts about a luxury lawn in front of the house have been tormenting us since the middle of winter, but often the idea is postponed year after year.



A lawn is, if not a dream, an ardent desire of every home owner. Thoughts about a luxury lawn in front of the house have been tormenting us since the middle of winter, but often the idea is postponed year after year. There are a lot of opinions about the layout and establishment of the lawn, many of which can be contradictory and confusing, and there are also a lot of electric lawn mower reviews that can have you confused.

First of all, it is necessary to realize that it's not enough just to spread the seeds for your new lawn. A fair amount of work is necessary for a beautiful lawn and there are a few rules to keep in mind.



Site Preparation

The most practical solution is to create a lawn simultaneously with the improvement of the rest of the garden. This will help to avoid additional work (for example, removing and restoring the interfering decorative elements). The first step would be to remove construction debris, stones, tree roots and stumps from the site. Then all the engineering work is done: drainage of the site, installation of the irrigation system and lighting.


Choosing the Right Seed

Choosing the right type of lawn seeds for your new lawn grass is the secret to success. A common mistake of gardeners is to purchase one type of grass for the whole yard. The right way is to purchase at least two types of seed - for the sunny and  shaded zones. It is important that you determine what percentage of the lawn is constantly in shade, and which has sufficient sunlight. This will ensure that you buy the right type of seeds.


After Seeding

For seed germination, moisture is needed. If there is arid, hot weather you need to start watering the site before the appearance of the lawn itself. A small sprayer head on a sprinkler is a perfect option. But if you water the future lawn manually, be sure to avoid a strong jet - use the smallest diffusers.


Grass Cutting

Regular cutting of lawn is absolutely necessary if you want to have a well-groomed lawn. Lawn grass grows at a temperature of +5℃ and above. Focus on this, counting the time of the first cutting of the lawn in spring and the last one in the fall.

During the first cutting of the lawn in spring, set the lawn mower blade to the highest level. With the onset of warm weather the growth becomes more intense and it will be necessary to cut the grass more often (once a week), but don't cut the grass shorter than 5 cm. During hot weather, the growth of grass on the lawn slows down, especially in the sunny areas. At this time, make the grass cutting less often (every 2-3 weeks).


Edge Processing

If you have a nicely shaped lawn, uneven edges (borders) will spoil the impression. Therefore, be sure to take time to level and restore the edges of the lawn. Make straight lines along a board - or a rope stretched over pegs driven into the ground - and then use a straight, sharp spade to create a neat edge.


Leveling and Sowing

Over time, the grass loses its thickness and if there are bald patche" on your lawn you will need to fix it. If the lawn is generally well-groomed you should only need to sew additional seeds in patches with bald spots. It is better to do it during cloudy or rainy weather. Before leveling the soil or sowing, comb the grass with a rake to remove any thatch (dead grass). To properly sow, loosen the soil where the bald spots appear and sprinkle fertilizer before sowing the seeds.



To ensure that the grass for your lawn is healthy, strong and lush green, at least three seasonal fertilizers are required: in spring, summer, and autumn. This helps to strengthen the grass and help it to kill the weeds that are always present in any lawn. More often than not lawn fertilizer already contains herbicides (weed control agents), so weed can be controlled. Always apply fertilizer as recommended by the manufacturer, as exceeding this spoils the environment and can be dangerous for people and animals, plus it may 'burn' the grass and spoil the appearance of the lawn for a long time.