Fresh herbs on demand

I stumbled across a wonderful article that shows how easy it is to have fresh herbs on demand as and when you need them.


These little blocks of goodness are perfect for pasta dishes, to top roasted vegetables, to insert into a roast chicken, season fish, slather meat, throw into smoothies, and add into whatever is your favourite food for the day.

You can use this method not only for fresh garden herbs, but also for fresh fruits, juice, roasted garlic, or any other items you can think of that are perfect for adding flavour to your favourite meals.

Just pop one out of the freezer and toss it in a pan or defrost it quickly to season a dish. It’s nice to be able to grab something delicious when you need to cook something in a hurry.

What's nice about these little cubes of goodness is that, even when your garden herbs have faded and finished their season's prime, you still have fresh flavours in the freezer.


Fresh herbs, and they must be as fresh as possible
Ice cube tray
Food processor




Step 1

Start off with all of your favorite herbs. Remove the woody ends and check for soil that was left behind. I didn’t remove the rosemary leaves from the stems for the pictures, you will want to do that before you put them in your food processor.

Step 2

Label the herb piles and grab a piece of paper. Make a list of which herbs are in each pile.

For Example: Rosemary and Garlic, Sage and Onion, Thyme and Olive Oil, etc.

Once you begin to grind up the herbs and olive oil, you will mark each ice-cube tray so that it correlates with your list of ingredients.

Step 3

Place the herbs in the food processor. Whiz them up until they are small bits and while the processor is running, add a small amount of olive oil, or whatever else you want to add to your little cubes of goodness.

Step 4

With a teaspoon, add the herb mixture to the ice trays. Label with the corresponding number on your paper and once all the trays are full - pop them into the freezer.

This is an incredibly easy project that you can do in an hour, with an extra bonus that your kitchen will smell fantastic once finished!