Make shower bombs for winter

With winter upon us, shower bombs are just the right way to add a little aroma-therapy to your morning shower. Place the steamer on the floor of the shower opposite the shower head so that the steam and shower mist gently hits it. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to your shower bombs to help clean out your sinuses and leave your feeling fresh.


Large mixing bowl
Measuring jug
Rubber gloves
Citric Acid (1 cup)
Baking Soda (2 cups)
Witch hazel in spray bottle
Essential oil



1. Measure out two cups of baking soda and put through the sieve into a large mixing bowl. This is an important step - you want the dry ingredients as clump-free as possible before beginning to add any wet materials.



2. Measure out on cup of citric acid and also pour through the sieve into your mixing bowl.

3. If you want to add some colour add 2 drops of food colouring and using your hands, mix together thoroughly.

4. Add 4 - 5 drops - one at a time - of essential oil to the mix - at different spots and then mix very well with your hands. Continue to add drops in this manner until you are finished. If you add it all at one time, the mixture will start fizzing up on you and you don’t want that.

5. Now it's time to add the witch hazel. The witch hazel must be added using a spray bottle as pouring directly onto the mixture will cause it to fizz up! Spritz the mixture 3 - 5 spritzes at a time. It is important that you not spritz in only one section. Using your hands, mix briskly together, removing any clumps that have formed as you go. You’ll notice the mixture getting a darker blue when you spritz.

6. Test your mixture after each set of spritzes and mixing. If it doesn’t hold together it’s not ready. If it holds together like a clump of wet sand then it’s ready for placing into the mould.

7. Press a handful of mixture firmly into the mould. Make sure you press it firmly as you don’t want any gaps to show in the finished products. As you work you will notice that the mixture forms to the mould easily. After you have completed four shower bombs you can go back and press on one side and they will slide out perfectly. Set aside to make the next four.

8. Let the shower bombs dry for about 24 hours and when completely hardened wrap them in cling wrap or store in an airtight container. Now go ahead - take a shower. You know you want to!

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