Makeover a steel garden table

So as I was touring the garden the other day, I realized there’s definitely some sprucing that needs to happen. I was reminded of the bistro set I found a couple of years ago and that I had every intention of refinishing, but I just never got around to it.

I decided the time had come to give it a makeover. I convinced myself I’d have a fresh new set in no time at all with just a little paint and fabric. Well, that’s what I did, repainted and recovered the seats.


Bosch Multisander*
80- and 180-grit sandpaper
Rust-Oleum Stops Rust
Rust-Oleum 2X - Heirloom white
Goggles and gloves

*The multi-sander comes with a finger attachment that allows you to sand small areas and hard-to-reach places.


1. Start off by sanding the table and chairs with your Bosch sander and an 80-grit sanding pad to remove all the flaking paint and rusty areas. For your painted table to last, you need to do some intensive sanding to ensure that all the loose rust is gone.

2. If you need to touch up areas where the metal has been eaten through, use Alcolin FastSteel. Cut off the required amount and mix by kneading until you have a uniform colour. Apply to the surface to be repaired - smoothing the edges with damp fingers. Sand smooth once completely dry.

3. When spray painting it is better to do this outdoors, as the fumes can be overwhelming. Protect surfaces with a drop cloth or newspaper. Use Rust-Oleum Stops Rust on those areas where rust was present.

4. Apply 2 coats of Rust-Oleum 2X to the table and chairs, allowing drying time between coats. Since the set was spray painted outside, I also lightly sanded between coats with a sanding sponge to rid the surface of the few teeny floating particles that got stuck in the surface. 

You can purchase all your supplies for this project at your local Builders Warehouse or Builders Express.

centsational girl



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