Do It When Your Central Furnace Not Working Properly

This guide will help you troubleshoot the most common issues causing your furnace not to work properly.





Winter has already come, and it is time to get your heating system or HVAC in order. Unfortunately, when central furnaces start to malfunction, it can be a bit complicated to figure out what's wrong with them since they use complex technology. Things can become frustrating when you are left without heat during cold weather.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take when your central furnace not working as it should. This guide will help you troubleshoot the most common issues causing your furnace not to work properly.


So before calling a professional, here is what you can do:


Check Your Circuit Breakers

The first thing that you should check when your central furnace isn't working properly is the circuit breakers. If any of them have been tripped, then it could be causing the problem with your furnace. Simply reset all of the circuit breakers and see if this solves the problem. By manually checking the position of the furnace circuit breakers, you can see if they are in the "ON" position.

If the breaker is in this position and your furnace still won't turn on, you likely have an electrical issue that needs to be fixed. Finally, check the wiring in your furnace. Make sure all connections are tight and secure, as loose wires can prevent your furnace from working properly.


Check Your Thermostat Settings

The next step is to make sure that your thermostat settings are correct. Make sure that it is set to heat mode and that the temperature setting is higher than the current temperature in your home. But before that, ensure your thermostat is in the "ON" position.

You'll probably need to change your thermostat's batteries at some point; aim to do so yearly or as required. Additionally, it's a good idea to clean the wiring occasionally because dust and debris can cause electrical problems.

Make sure your thermostat isn't on a schedule or cycle that would prevent the unit from turning on. And finally, keep in mind that some thermostats will reset their settings if power is lost to the furnace or home—meaning you may have to reprogram it again after this happens.


Clean the Furnace Filters

Another possible issue could be dirty or clogged filters on your furnace unit or ductwork system. Check for signs of debris buildup, and clean out any dirt or dust that could be obstructing airflow. If you want your furnace to keep your home warm, it needs a constant supply of clean air.

A lot of people don't know this, but a dirty air filter can actually prevent your whole HVAC system from turning on. The forced air system won't be able to provide the heat pump with enough warmth if the filter is full of dirt and grime. Replacing the filters is also a good idea, as clogged ones can cause your furnace to work harder and less efficiently.

In addition, a clogged furnace filter will prevent the igniter from producing the proper air mixture needed to turn on the furnace. Also, for most HVAC systems, there is a safety feature in place that won't allow the furnace to turn on if it senses a fire hazard.


Check for Gas Leaks

If you have a gas furnace system, it may not be working properly because of a gas leak. If this is the case, you'll need to call a professional to fix the issue; never attempt to work with any gas line. It's important to note that a gas leak isn't just a furnace issue—it can be a safety hazard. If you smell gas at any point, turn off the main gas line immediately and call for help.


Check Your Furnace Pilot Light

Modern furnaces may not have a pilot light, but if yours does, you'll want to check up on it. The problem with it could be as simple as the pilot light being turned off or just having gone out. If so, it's no big deal—just follow your furnace's instructions for relighting, and you should be good to go again in no time.


Check Your Blower Motor

The blower motor in your gas furnace is a critical component that you may need to check if your furnace isn't working properly. The blower motor powers the fan, and the entire unit will not function correctly if it malfunctions.

If your furnace won't turn on or off when it should, the problem could be related to the blower motor. To check for this issue, you'll want to remove the access panel from your furnace and inspect the wiring of the motor. If there are any loose connections or visible signs of damage, you'll need to have a professional repair it as soon as possible.

Some manufacturers install a green light on the furnace that will blink when there is a problem with the blower motor. If you see this, then it could be an indication that your motor needs to be replaced or repaired.


Check The Furnace Ignition Switch

The ignition switch is what helps your furnace to ignite. If it's faulty, then your furnace won't be able to turn on properly. First, check the switch for any signs of damage or wear and tear, as this can prevent it from working correctly. If everything looks in order, use a multimeter to test the electrical connections and ensure they function properly. Only do this if you feel comfortable working with electricity. If not, you should call a professional to take care of it.


Inspect Your ductwork system For Damages

It's also important to ensure that your ductwork system is properly sealed. If it isn't, warm air can escape, and cool air can enter the home, making your furnace less effective. Check for any signs of damage or wear, and if you notice a problem, have it fixed promptly.

These are just a few things to consider when your central furnace isn't working properly. If you've checked everything above and still haven't figured out why your central furnace isn't working—call in a professional contractor or HVAC technician. They'll be able to locate the root cause of the problem and make sure that your furnace is up and running again quickly and safely






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