Keep Mozzies Away!

Summer means spending lots of time outdoors. It's also when uninvited guests like mozzies and flies like to crash the party. Here are some tried and tested remedies to keep bugs at bay.


Eco-friendly repellant

Citronella is a well known, natural mosquito repellent and lighting a citronella candle is the easy way to keep bugs at bay. Place 4 or 5 citronella candles on your table to not only keep bugs at bay, but also to add a soft ambience to your next outdoor get together.

Most home decor stores shop a selection of styles, from colourful candles in glass jars, to candles you can pop into your own containers. You can also fill outdoor torches with citronella-scented oil to deter mozzies.

Scented Plants

Did you know that certain plants act as an insect deterrent, particularly flies and mozzies. Visit your local garden centre and ask for colourful, scented plants that keep bugs at bay. Plants that are excellent at keeping your entertainment area bug free include lavender, basil, and rosemary. Place pots as close as possible to your seating or dining area.

If you don't have a green thumb you can use scented potpourri containing these plants to help deter inspects. Or crush freshly picked leaves and blossoms and place them in a muslin sachet to hang on the back of chairs.

Blow bugs away

Have you ever noticed the absence of bugs on a windy day? Installing a ceiling fan on an enclosed patio, or a pedestal fan on an open deck is a great way to ensure bugs don't become a nuisance. Set the fan on swing for maximum coverage. For the hot summer months, consider investing in a misting fan that will also cool down your outdoor entertainment area.

Prevent breeding

Rid your garden of any areas where rainwater can collect. Even a small container that collects water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. If you have a water feature or pond, installing a pump to keep the water moving will prevent mosquitoes from using this to lay their larvae.

Do a regular inspection of your garden during the warmer months of the year to make sure there are no areas where mosquitoes can breed.


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